World War I
The residents of Collyweston were asked to serve. Men and Women ​of every age and every class joined did their bit for the war effort.
Farms produced food for the soldiers, women and children made things like blankets. It is noted in the Minutes of Parish Council meeting 20th July 1916 mentioning names of men over military age eligible to act as Parish Constable.
Collyweston's men signed up for military service to fight. Many were sent to Flanders in Belgium.
Unfortunately Flanders campaign saw some of the most intense fighting of the entire war. Official records taken from the WWI monument in St Andrew Church show that 12 of men did not return.
Known details of these men are detailed below.
List of Collyweston residents who gave the ultimate sacrifice in WWI for all of our freedoms today
Alfred Baxter
Son of John & Emma Baxter, Town Street, Collyweston
Remembered with Honour
Second-Lieutenant William Collins Close
Son of Robert Henry and Emma Close, of Geeston House, Ketton, Stamford, Lincs.
3rd Bn. attd. 6th Bn. Northamptonshire Regiment
Died 20th March 1917 aged 20
Remembered with Honour – Arras Memorial
Rifleman Quintin Wilfred Edgar Hand
Born Collyweston Feb 9th 1894 and baptised at St Andrew’s Nov 11th 1894 son of Mary Anne Barnett Hand.
Grandson of Frederick & Elizabeth Hand of Collyweston Road, Collyweston
Service Number C/4663 17th Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps
Died 26/04/1918 aged 24
Remembered with Honour – Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery
Private Walter Hand - Military Medal
Son of William & Caroline Hand, Collyweston
Service Number 27038 1st Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Died 03/05/1917 aged 19
.Remembered with Honour - Arras Memorial
Private Harry R Hull
Son of John Hull of Easton-on-the-Hill, husband of E Blesset (formerly Hull) of Orlingbury, Wellingborough
Service Number 20881 7th Bn. Northamptonshire Regiment
Died 12th June 1916 aged 28
Remembered with Honour – Ration Farm (La Plus Douve) Annexe
Private Frank Bruce
Son of John William and Sarah Bruce of Pilsgate Grange, Stamford
Service Number 315031 16th Bn. Royal Sussex Regiment
Died 12th July 1918 aged 23
Remembered with Honour - St Venant-Robecq Road British Cemetery, Robecq
Arthur Nicholls
Born 1894 son of Alfred & Eliza Nicholls of The Lane Easton
Remembered with Honour
Charles Nicholls
Born 1859 son of Alfred & Eliza Nicholls of The Lane Easton
Remembered with Honour
​Private Arthur Scott
Son of Henry and Sarah Scott, husband of Olive Emma Smith (formerly Scott) of Hall Yard Collyweston
Service Number 17255 7th Bn., Northamptonshire Regiment
Died 27th September 1915 aged 38
Remembered with Honour - Loos Memorial
​Private George Wimpset Smith
Born 1889 son of Frank & Ada Smith, Cuckoo Lodge, Collyweston
Service Number 58572 6th Bn. Northamptonshire Regiment
Died 18th September 1918 aged 29
Remembered with Honour - Vis-en-Artois Memorial
Corporal George H Wright
Service Number 10398 6th Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment
Died 21st July 1917
Remembered with Honour - Essex Farm Cemetery
Private Thomas Wyles
Son of Jeremiah & Eliza Wyles , Collyweston and later Thornhaugh
Service Number 16841 "B" Coy. 7th Bn. Leicestershire Regiment Died 14th July 1916 aged 20
Remembered with Honour - Thiepval Memorial
​​​They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.
A thank you to Dr Chris Brookings and Sandra Johnson for their work in compiling this information.